Storing Mushrooms
Mushrooms are best eaten fresh on the day you purchase them. At Mossy Bottom Farm we always pick first thing in the morning before we head off to market to ensure you are getting the freshest possible mushrooms.
However, if you must store them we suggest you store them in your fridge in a paper bag.
Too many mushrooms? Why not trying dehydrating or air drying your mushrooms. Many modern Air fryers have a dehydrate function. Once dehydrated mushrooms are stable for many months at room temperature as long as they are kept dry.
What about your freeze dried mushrooms? As long as they bag or bottle remains sealed these mushrooms should remain edible for many years. If you want to learn more about or preservation methods we use to extend mushroom shelf-life just click here!
How do I know if my mushrooms have gone off. Smell them your nose will often tell you if your mushrooms have gone off. Mushrooms can often grow moldy and slimy if left in the fridge too long. These should not be eaten. If you have air dried or freeze dried mushrooms check for color changes or signs of moisture this could indicate that the container has sprung a leak to admit moist air which can result in the mushrooms spoiling.